Deploying software to unify medical records & learn from data

This partnership with the Mississippi State Department of Health provides patients with streamlined medical record and billing systems.
The Bower Foundation provides grant funding to the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) for statewide employee training on the University of Mississippi Medical Center’s EPIC electronic health record (EHR) software system. The University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC), the state’s only academic medical center, is helping to expand EPIC to all Mississippi State Department of Health clinics and patients statewide.
EPIC allows for patient registration and scheduling; clinical systems for doctors, nurses and other health care providers; integration with the MSDH lab system; interface with pharmacies; and a medical billing system.
With this software, Mississippi State Department of Health patients are assured of health record continuity in the University of Mississippi Medical Center system of care. Additionally, anonymous MSDH patient data are included in the UMMC medical data warehouse for academic research purposes, which helps to advance care statewide.
Phase II
In Phase II, the Bower Foundation has made an investment to enhance the EPIC software for population based tracking of infectious diseases such at TB, HIV and STD’s. The funding will also provide for a consultant to coordinate this work and assist with statewide roll out and training on the new modules.