Supporting Teachers through COVID-19

Meeting the social-emotional health, wellness and fitness needs for teachers and students alike.
To combat the encroaching pressures of virtual instruction and learning, these programs are aimed at providing Teach For America (TFA) – Greater Delta teachers with coping mechanisms, helping them to navigate their personal and professional lives and equipping them with a classroom behavior modification system to positively impact the way students deal with their own environmental stresses both inside and outside the classroom.
To integrate the wellness programs fully into the teacher support model, a multifaceted approach has been designed to serve 79 first- and second-year teachers and 280 alumni educators. The project will provide ongoing 1:1 coaching, classroom observations, professional learning communities, community hub meetings and Network Summits that will serve as staff guided spaces centered around wellness check-ins and modeled exemplars of how to use and implement programs in their classrooms and personal lives throughout the year.